“Why are you still single?”

A client once fired me for asking him this question

I know this questions can be painful. And it’s definitely loaded.

Loaded with shame for not being “coupled.” Loaded with the pressure of family, friends, people from high school. Fuck, even Facebook ads might be subtly letting you know it’s time to get married. 

But here’s the thing, why ARE you still single? 

I mean you’re probably a total catch, right? I’m sure your friends assure you the right guy will magically come along eventually. It’s just not the right time yet! 


I’m sorry to tell you this, but your friends are wrong. The right guy is not going to magically appear in your life “when the time is right.”

The right guy will only appear in your life after you have done the hard work to love yourself and to heal beyond the patterns that are keeping your trapped in chronic singledom and toxic relationship patterns. 

“Why Are You Still Single?”


To manifest your dream relationship, you need to seriously ask yourself this right now.

“I’ve been busy.” “I haven’t met the right person.” “Maybe when work gets less crazy…”

These are not acceptable answers. 

The answer I want, the answer that will lead you to your dream relationship, is in the place where you don’t want to go. The feelings you’ve been trying to outrun. 


What if I told you that the relationship of your dreams (and your emotional freedom) are in the parts of yourself that you are afraid to visit. The memories you’re afraid to touch. The parts of yourself you really really don’t like acknowledging. What if everything you wanted was behind the door you’re most afraid to open? 

It is. That’s what healing your way to love is.. going where you don’t want to go to bring healing to the part of yourself you have been trying to ignore and outrun. 


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” FDR 


I know your triggers are extremely visceral. I know trauma is probably living in your body and unconscious. I know you have good reason to be sad, angry, wounded…

Fucking scared. 

But you don’t have good reason to stay where you are. From where you are you will just keep reaching for relationships and finding the same dysfunctional patterns instead. 




You do have good reason to face your fears and do the hard work to heal. 


The path to your soulmate starts today.

But it doesn’t start on dating apps, at a bar, with a makeover, at the gym… it starts in one place and that is in the moment you decide you love yourself enough to admit that it’s time to heal.

And that you may need some help to get there. 

It starts with loving yourself enough to ask the one question you’ve been avoiding all this time.

So why are you still single?

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